What Drugs Are The Most Dangerous/Addictive?
Almost any drug that can cause psychological effects such as euphoria can be abused. People can become both psychologically and physically addicted to drugs or abuse, including alcohol. Addiction is a disease that does not discriminate. People from all walks of life can and do develop addictions to all kinds of drugs. Drug addiction is a massive problem in the United States, especially due to the opioid epidemic.
The good news is that people can also get clean and sober no matter what type or quantity of drugs they use.
Understanding Addiction
Drugs like opioids and methamphetamine are considered highly addictive. Addiction takes place because the continued use of these drugs causes physical changes in the brain. These changes make a person develop a tolerance to the drug, requiring more of it to get the same effects.
Not only do these drugs cause withdrawal effects, but they also cause a person to be more compulsive and do things they usually wouldn’t do, all in the pursuit of a high. Most people addicted to drugs or alcohol display addictive behavior. They may sell possessions, try to get illegal prescriptions, or even try a more potent drug to get the relief they’re seeking.
Withdrawal effects like cramps, shaking, nausea, and bone pain often occur if a person goes without their drug of choice for some time.
The Most Dangerous Drugs
Which drugs are the most dangerous? Drugs that are highly addictive and can cause overdose deaths would be a the top of the list when it comes to danger. However, almost any drug can cause a person to do illegal, dangerous, or out of character.
Here are some of the most dangerous drugs:
- Opioids like Oxycontin, Vicoden, heroin, opium, and fentanyl are all dangerous. Fentanyl, in recent years, has been the cause of thousands of overdose deaths because of its potency. Sometimes street drugs are laced with fentanyl without the user’s knowledge.
- Cocaine and crack can cause users to act erratically, be paranoid, or violent. They both can damage the heart, while crack can cause damage to the lungs as well. Some people who overdose experience seizures or heart attacks.
- Methamphetamine is an intense, highly addictive drug that can cause hallucinations and extreme paranoia when a user has stayed awake for days. Addiction devastates the body, causing skin problems, rotten teeth, and weakening the heart.
- Benzodiazepines such as Klonapin are usually prescribed to help people with anxiety or muscle tightness. People who abuse the drug can become physically addicted and develop irregular heartbeat, lung problems, and depression. Combined with other drugs or medications, there is a potential for fatal overdoses.
- Alcohol addiction is one of the most prevalent addictions in the world. Alcohol overdose can cause death. People who combine alcohol with other substances are more likely to overdose or cause serious injuries.
Addiction isn’t a choice. Some people are more prone to substance use disorders than others. When a person is addicted to a drug, trying to stop using it can be a constant struggle. Physical withdrawal symptoms are often intense and sometimes even dangerous. For highly addictive drugs, a clinical detox is usually required. Some people also need Medication-Assisted Treatment to help them decrease cravings and begin the journey to recovery. Detox is an important starting point to help people get clean in a safe, comfortable environment.
Any drug that can be abused has the potential to become an addiction. If you’re experiencing a substance use disorder, help is available.
Getting Help
Do you or a loved one have a problem with substance use? Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? You’re not alone! We can help you get sober in a safe, professional, inspiring environment. Even during the COVID-19 crisis, we’re here to help you.
Call us at 855-409-8869 for more information on our recovery services.