COVID-19 Drug Rehab Essential Services
COVID-19 Drug Rehab Services
We’re Providing Inpatient Services
We are open and accepting new clients with enhanced sanitary protocols:
- Private room and private bathroom for every client.
- Pre-screen everybody before entering our facility by checking any symptoms, potential exposure, and any high-risk factors.
- When any staff/client arrives, we check their temperature at the front door and escort them to the hand-washing site.
- We allow only our clients and our staff to come inside of the facility.
- All new residential clients will be taken for a medical screen within 24 hours.
- We monitor all clients very closely by taking temperature daily and checking symptoms throughout the day.
- Staff always sanitize high-touch areas (doorknobs, switches, tables, chairs, office equipment, etc.)
- Staff is prohibited from coming to work if they or their family members have a fever or cold/flu-like symptoms.
- All staff and clients maintain social distance throughout the day.
- We do not allow any visitors during the stay at home order. We will accommodate virtual visiting (i.e., Face Time, Skype, ZOOm) for eligible clients during regular visiting hours (12-5 pm on Sunday).
We will continue to follow directives from the CDC for the next steps as to what precautions to take and how to evolve our treatment protocol. Our Clinical and executive teams monitor the situation closely, and we can make necessary adjustments in real-time.
Joseph Hunter, CEO

Learn More About Our Recovery Program
We provide a comfortable and safe detox with a caring staff watching over you. Our experienced and compassionate detox treatment team will be by your side to make sure you have support.
MAT Assisted Detox: Our prescribing physician can help with medication for any physical discomfort you may experience. Our clinical professionals care about you and want to see you succeed.
Residential substance abuse treatment generally lasts 30, 60, or 90 days. However, some people choose to continue for up to one year.
Our team of addiction treatment specialists will provide 24/7 care. The experienced and compassionate staff members will help you stay on track and teach you to respond to life’s challenges healthily – without your drug of choice.
We provide relapse prevention training, and our team will also address any co-occurring disorders. By addressing these areas, we can set the stage for long-term recovery.
Our Partial Hospitalization Program is an intensive & long-term outpatient program that allows you to go home (or to a sober living environment) each night but still enjoy the support of our clinical staff on-site each day.
Our substance abuse counselors are the best in the field and will help you remain healthy and sober. Through our ‘one-on-one’ and group counseling sessions, you will build personal value and learn essential life coping skills.
Our Intensive outpatient rehab program (IOP) and outpatient treatment program (OP) provide regular individual and group therapy sessions. Clients reside at home or in a sober living.
Our IOP program requires involvement from family members, friends, and other interested participants. Our outpatient program includes interactive education groups and counseling designed for the individual, group, and family.
These sessions are scheduled to work with your outside commitments. You will see individual therapists and physicians (or psychiatrists) up to three times a week.
“It’s hard to find the words to praise Joseph Hunter and Cycles of Change adequately. Before discovering Joe, we had years of bad experiences with several treatment centers for our daughter. It’s hard to know who you can trust and who has a genuine concern for a person’s sobriety or just in it for the money.
From my first telephone conversation with Joe (while he was on a family vacation), I knew he was different than the other eleven organizations we had dealt with. My daughter instantly made the same connection with him. Joe genuinely cares for people and makes it his life mission to improve the lives of others.” –Parent

Home-Like Atmosphere
Feel like you’re right at home instead of at a recovery facility.

Personalized Treatment
You will have several ‘one-on-one’ meetings per week to ensure that you get individualized attention.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment
We have the staff and accreditation to treat co-occurring disorders like anxiety, trauma, and depression.

A Blend of Modalities
We integrate individual and group therapy sessions into your personalized program along with relapse prevention and many educational workshops and services.

Private Rooms Available
We offer spacious shared rooms as well as private rooms.

Professionals and Executives
We have 20+ years of experience helping professional men and women get back on on track and succeed in their careers.