Addiction Recovery Blog
Cycles of Change Recovery is an addiction treatment program focused on healing the mind, body, and spirit of our clients. Located in Palmdale, California our clients learn and grow at their own pace of recovery. Find what you need to make the life-changing decision of finally breaking free from addiction.
Over the past few decades, prescription drug abuse has become a serious problem in this country. But why? For starters, there has been a drastic increase in the number of prescriptions written and dispensed. In addition, there is greater social acceptability for using such medications. This has led to broad “environmental availability” of prescription painkillers and contributed to the severity of the current drug abuse problem in this country. Opioid Prescription Statistics Greater availability of
Detoxing from Alcohol and Other Drugs
Category: Rehab
If you are dependent on alcohol or other drugs, it doesn’t take long for your body to notice you’ve stopped consuming that substance. Once you’ve become both mentally and physically reliant on something, it takes some time to adjust to its absence in your system. This period of adjustment is commonly referred to as detox (or detoxification). Withdrawal symptoms often surface during the detox process and range in severity. But if you do experience them,
How Do I Know If I’m Addicted to Coke?
Category: Rehab
Unlike physically addictive drugs like alcohol and heroin, cocaine is psychologically addictive. In fact, aside from methamphetamine, cocaine is considered to create the most significant psychological dependence of any drug. CESAR (the Center for Substance Abuse Research) classifies cocaine as “highly addictive” and states, “A person can become addicted after his or her first time trying crack cocaine.” The high you get from consuming cocaine only lasts about 15-30 minutes. That’s why so many people
Is Valium Addictive?
Category: Rehab
It’s always important to remember that drug addiction is a disease. It affects a person’s brain and behavior, and leads to an inability to control the use of a drug or medication. Once you’re addicted, you may continue using the drug despite the harm it causes. Like so many other prescription drugs, it doesn’t take long for the brain to become addicted to and dependent on Valium. As tolerance builds, doses must increase to experience
Pill Addiction Help
Category: Rehab
We know the story all too well. You’ve watched your loved one lose themselves to pills. Little by little, day by day the addiction starts to take over and you don’t even recognize them anymore. You used to have fun together. You used to go for hikes, cook dinner, watch movies. Now that’s all been replaced with struggles and deceit. But it’s not too late. Let’s find out a little bit more about how you