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Addiction Recovery Blog

Cycles of Change Recovery is an addiction treatment program focused on healing the mind, body, and spirit of our clients. Located in Palmdale, California our clients learn and grow at their own pace of recovery. Find what you need to make the life-changing decision of finally breaking free from addiction.

PTSD & Substance Use Rates Among First Responders

Posted by Miki Hunter on  March 26, 2018
Category: Rehab
First responders face significant risks to keep their communities safe. Many of those risks are obvious, but a growing number of police officers, firefighters, EMTs and ER nurses are fighting another battle. The cumulative pressure of the job and the amount of trauma both witnessed and endured by first responders can take a toll that may lead to depression, anxiety, PTSD and substance use. One in Four Police Officers Struggle with Alcohol Consumption Police officers

Tips for Avoiding Addiction Relapse

Posted by Miki Hunter on  March 20, 2018
Category: Rehab
When you relapse into drug or alcohol addiction, it’s not a single moment. Several things over the course of days, weeks, or even months led to that point. Relapse starts subconsciously on an emotional level before it progresses to the mental stage. Once you’ve begun considering using again, it’s only a matter of time before you’re on the brink of falling into old habits. That’s why it’s important to recognize addiction relapse triggers so you

The Link Between Athletes and Drug Abuse

Posted by Miki Hunter on  March 12, 2018
Category: Rehab
When the New England Patriots were caught breaking the NFL’s rules repeatedly in recent years, Hall of Fame quarterback Joe Montana was asked what he thought. His reply, “they always say ‘if you ain’t cheatin’, you ain’t tryin’,” speaks to the immense pressure to succeed in all levels of all sports. More recently, the Russian Olympic Committee was punished due to widespread doping – the use of performance-enhancing drugs and treatments – among their athletes

Planning an Alcohol Abuse Intervention

Posted by Miki Hunter on  March 2, 2018
Category: Rehab
Watching a loved one struggle with alcohol addiction can be devastating. As their addiction worsens, they may start drinking alone more frequently or begin distancing themselves from their non-drinking friends and family. Feelings of guilt or embarrassment may cause them to begin hiding their habits from you. It can be difficult for them to moderate how much they have. Increased risky behavior and a lack of impulse control while intoxicated can lead to all sorts

Why is Binge Drinking Bad?

Posted by Miki Hunter on  February 26, 2018
Category: Rehab
Not everyone who struggles with alcohol addiction has a drink every day. You might think that restricting yourself to a few splurges here and there isn’t that harmful. Binge drinking (as defined by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism) is a pattern of alcohol consumption that raises the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level to 0.08% or higher. Over a two-hour period, that’s roughly five or more drinks for men or four or more

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