Addiction Recovery Blog
Cycles of Change Recovery is an addiction treatment program focused on healing the mind, body, and spirit of our clients. Located in Palmdale, California our clients learn and grow at their own pace of recovery. Find what you need to make the life-changing decision of finally breaking free from addiction.
Detox for Cocaine Addiction
Category: Uncategorized
Cocaine addiction can take hold from your first experience with the drug. Unlike other drugs that are physically addictive, such as alcohol and heroin, cocaine is psychologically addictive. It’s second only to methamphetamine in regards to the strength of dependency. With the highs lasting just 15-30 minutes, you’re more likely to binge with it. The more and faster you use it, the stronger that dependency becomes. When those feelings of euphoria fade, you might find
Cocaine Rehab Success Rate
Category: Rehab
Cocaine is a psychologically addictive drug. In fact, aside from methamphetamine, cocaine is considered to create the greatest psychological dependence of any drug. The high you get from consuming cocaine only lasts about 15-30 minutes. That’s why so many people take it in binges. And the more you use cocaine, the stronger and faster the addiction becomes. It’s important to remember that even if you are addicted to cocaine, there’s still hope. Keep the following
People tend to consider prescription painkillers an inherently “safe” drug, because when used properly, they’re legal. But even when used as directed, painkillers can still negatively affect your body and lead to addiction. So why is painkiller abuse becoming increasingly common? Painkillers are a form of opioids. And opioids are highly addictive, meaning the risk of abuse is high. That’s why painkillers are typically only prescribed when other treatments and pain medications don’t work. Painkillers:
Detoxing is the process of your body dealing with the lack of a substance like heroin. This can be a difficult hurdle to clear even when you’ve prepared for it due to the many ways heroin impacts your mind and body. It boosts your dopamine levels sky high. It takes the place of things you previously enjoyed. It’s only natural to have a strong mental and physical reaction while your body is adjusting to its
Who Are Problem Drinkers?
Category: Rehab
Let’s assume that you’re not physically addicted to alcohol and you don’t have any withdrawal symptoms when you don’t drink. Let’s also assume that your drinking is starting to cause some issues in your life. Maybe you’re spending too much money going out with friends. Or maybe you’ve been using alcohol to deal with daily stress and anxiety. But do you really have a problem? Signs of Problem Drinking It always helps when you know