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Addiction Recovery Blog

Cycles of Change Recovery is an addiction treatment program focused on healing the mind, body, and spirit of our clients. Located in Palmdale, California our clients learn and grow at their own pace of recovery. Find what you need to make the life-changing decision of finally breaking free from addiction.

Marijuana and Substance Abuse Disorder

Posted by Miki Hunter on  January 25, 2017
Category: Rehab
By the end of last year, marijuana was approved for medical use in 27 states. Out of those 27 states, 11 states approved legal recreational marijuana. In a 2015 interview with Vice News, former President Obama said that he separated the issue of criminalization of marijuana from encouragement of pot use. He added that decriminalization of marijuana lessened the cost of incarceration, which was behind his reasoning to have the drug become legal. So it

Addicts Hurting Their Pups for a Fix

Posted by Miki Hunter on  January 23, 2017
Category: Rehab
According to a recent New York Post article, addicts are now maiming their dogs to get Tramadol, so that they can get the drug from vets and get loaded. This brings to mind that there is no length as to what an addict will do to get high. I am a dog lover and a recovering alcoholic with over five years in recovery. For me, my dogs have provided canine therapy, which has helped my

Is Heroin Worth The Price of A Life

Posted by Miki Hunter on  December 21, 2016
Category: Rehab
In 2015, Las Vegas, Nevada’s TV station, Las Vegas Now Channel 8, featured a special report  which said that out of the entire nation, Nevada ranked the fourth highest for overdose deaths from drugs. John Fundenberg, a Clark County coroner confirmed that heroin, along with other opiate painkillers, was the main culprit for these tragic deaths. When addicts who are addicted to painkillers just can’t find another doctor or dentist to fill their prescriptions, they

Dorothy Parker and Alcoholism

Posted by Miki Hunter on  December 20, 2016
Category: Rehab
Born in 1893, the witty and talented author Dorothy Parker was an alcoholic who suffered from depression. During her later years, she committed herself to a sanitarium to “dry out,” which was the term used back in the day. Parker told the doctor that she loved the room but that she needed to get out of the hospital every hour or for a drink at the local bar. The doctor told her that if she

Drugs Are A Waste of Time

Posted by Miki Hunter on  December 19, 2016
Category: Rehab
“Drugs are a waste of time. They destroy your memory and your self-respect and everything that goes along with your self-esteem.” – Kurt Cobain When Cobain uttered these words, it was during a 1992 interview for Rolling Stone magazine. The Rolling Stone writer met up with him in Cobain and Courtney Love’s small Spanish-style apartment off Fairfax in LA, where he found Cobain looking emaciated and frail. The Nirvana bandleader said that he suffered from

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