Addiction Recovery Blog
Cycles of Change Recovery is an addiction treatment program focused on healing the mind, body, and spirit of our clients. Located in Palmdale, California our clients learn and grow at their own pace of recovery. Find what you need to make the life-changing decision of finally breaking free from addiction.
Who Uses Cocaine?
Category: Rehab
While people with higher income levels are generally more able to sustain a daily cocaine habit, they’re not the only ones at risk for developing a strong addiction to the drug. Other than methamphetamines, cocaine is widely considered to be the greatest psychologically addictive drug available. It’s possible to become addicted after your first experience. If you’re concerned that you or a loved one might be addicted to cocaine, here are some of the people
Synthetic Drugs and Vegas
Category: Rehab
Besides a horrifying opioid epidemic that is destroying many Nevadans’ lives, there are other drugs to worry about, including synthetic drugs. One of these drugs is called Spice, also known as K-2, skunk, fake weed, genie, and blaze herbal incense. K-2 looks like chopped-up herbs or dried plant material and is often disguised in little plastic packets. A while back, K-2 was sold as K-2 or Spice. But since K-2 has become known for having
Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS)
Category: Rehab
So maybe you have decided that you have had enough. You have bounced around 12-step meetings for the last few weeks, and somehow even though you are still drinking or using, you have come to grips with step one. If only to yourself, you have admitted that you are an alcoholic and/or addict and that your life has become truly unmanageable. Or maybe you have talked to a few people at AA or NA meetings,
How Do Benzodiazepines Affect the Body?
Category: Rehab
Prescription medications may not seem like much of a risk. After all, your doctor prescribed this treatment to help you with an issue. Benzodiazepines like Xanax, Valium, Ativan, Klonopin, and others can relieve anxiety, insomnia, social anxiety disorders, and even alcohol withdrawals. However, even following your doctor’s orders carefully can put you at risk for dependence or addiction. Let’s take a look at some of the effects benzodiazepines can have on the body. How Do
Seasons may have a role in substance use patterns. Anecdotally, many people who have addiction issues will tell you winter is hard for them. They may have used drugs a lot more often during the winter season or holidays. Is this only in your head, or is there a science behind it? Seasonal Affective Disorder’s Role In the darker months, we’re less likely to be upbeat and cheerful. For one thing, humans get a lot